(319) 209-2217

Make a Difference Today!
Our 13 bed homeless shelter offers a 30 day program to move the clients we serve from being homeless to having a permanent housing solution. We provide services based on the needs of the individual or family.

A Hand Up, Not A Handout
Transitions DMC hit a couple of milestones in late January of 2023, which deserve attention. On Jan. 20, we were open as a 24/7 homeless shelter for a full year. Then, on Jan. 22, we marked our seventh anniversary of serving the area’s homeless and poor population. It has taken patience and perseverance over these years.
Were there any doubt that such a facility was needed, in past year, our 13-bed building at Main and Angular streets logged nearly 4,000 overnight stays. Again, to be precise and for emphasis: 3,933 overnight stays. That represents 236 adults and 16 children. Stays have ranged from a single night to 67 days.
Still more came to use the kitchen, shower, and seek help securing medical cards and help navigating Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Medicaid, Disability, and other needed benefits.
In the past year, Transitions DMC has helped 31 people find steady employment, 10 have moved into permanent housing with relatives, three now are housed in assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or group homes. Another 20 have found apartments of their own, Part of that is helping people find correct documentation. Transitions DMC has helped 22 people get Social Security card replacements. Eighteen people needed help getting their birth certificate and Transitions DMC helped another 22 secure identification cards.
"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together"
Vincent van Gogh
Get in touch with Transitions DMC, Inc to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
(319) 209-2217